Prices & Packages
Discounts are available on block bookings or save with our wellness packages.
Discounts are available on block bookings or save with our wellness packages.
*Please note: Colonic Hydrotherapy is not in any way intended as a ‘cure’ or ‘medical’ treatment. It should not be seen as an alternative to seeing your GP if you have any health concerns. Neither is it intended to infer or imply symptoms of IBS or other bowel conditions will be solved.
Perfect for an in-depth detox, or if suffering with IBS issues.
Recommended if you have long term issues with congestion.
Recommended for those with severe long term constipation issues and laxative dependency.
*Block treatments require advanced payment. Refund policy in place for treatments not had if requested.
The style of massage can be adapted to the individual varying from a relaxing Swedish massage, to deep tissue massage and trigger point therapy.
1 hr full body massage PLUS 1.5 hr Colonic Hydrotherapy Session.
Includes initial consultation.
We are in clinic most days
If we are not able to take your call please leave a message or email us.
Tel: 07817 796015
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